Autumn Programme of Events
Art Deco Discovery Walk – West Perth
Date/Time: Sat 5 April, 3pm – 4.30pm
Location: Florence Hummerston Reserve, St Georges Tce and Mount St, Perth
Suitability: All ages
Cost: Free – bookings required
West Perth is filled with Art Deco architectural gems from the 1920s and ’30s. Learn about the Art Deco movement and explore places that exemplify the style in a walk through West Perth guided by passionate experts from the Art Deco and Modernist Society of WA.

Art Deco in Perth: A Glimpse into 1930s Elegance
Date/Time: Tue 8 April – Sat 3 May, 9am – 4pm Mon – Sat
Accessibility: Wheelchair, ACROD
Location: Perth Town Hall Lower Foyer, Corner Hay & Barrack Streets, Perth
Suitability: All ages
Cost: Free – no bookings required
Indulge in the opulence of Art Deco at an exhibition hosted by the Art Deco and Modernist Society of WA. Journey back to the 1930s and discover the captivating influence of Art Deco on Perth’s architecture, culture, and lifestyle. Immerse yourself in the era’s distinctive geometric designs, sumptuous materials, and the spirit of modernity that defined this dazzling period.

Art Deco in Perth – Exhibition Launch
Date/Time: Wed 9 April, 5.30pm – 7pm
Location: Perth Town Hall Lower Foyer, Corner Hay & Barrack Streets, Perth
Suitability: All ages
Cost: Free – bookings required
Join members of the Art Deco and Modernist Society of Western Australia for the launch of ‘Art Deco in Perth: A Glimpse into 1930s Elegance’. The launch will feature a short talk by Society members, reflecting on nearly forty years of advocacy for Art Deco heritage in Perth. Following the talks, you are invited to explore the exhibition and engage with the curators for deeper insights into this captivating era.

Art Deco Discovery Walk – Perth City
Date/Time: Sat 12 April, 1pm – 2.30 pm
Accessibility: TBC
Location: Perth Town Hall, Corner Hay & Barrack Streets, Perth Suitability: All ages
Cost: Free – no bookings required
Join passionate enthusiasts from the Art Deco and Modernist Society of WA in a guided walk through the Perth CBD exploring buildings which represent this unique architectural style. The walk begins and and ends at the Perth Town Hall where you will have an opportunity to view the Art Deco and Modernist Society’s flagship exhibition ‘Art Deco in Perth: A glimpse into 1930s elegance.’

Perth Girls School – Art Deco Guided Tour
Date/Time: Sat 26 April, 3pm – 4.30pm
Accessibility: TBC
Location: Old Perth Girls School , 2 Wellington Street, East Perth
Suitability: All ages
Cost: Free – bookings required
See inside the former Perth Girls School in East Perth. Built in distinctive Art Deco style, the school operated from 1936 to1962, later becoming the WA Police Traffic Branch. The Art Deco and Modernist Society of WA invites you on a guided tour of this iconic heritage building.

Art Deco Discovery Walk – Nedlands
Date/Time: Saturday 3 May & Sunday 4 May, 2pm-3:30pm
Suitability: All ages
Cost: Free – bookings required
Stirling Highway, Nedlands, showcases an array of significant Art Deco heritage places that tells the story of the 1930s Perth, from the introduction of flats as a viable housing option to the elegance and glamour of picture palaces. Join passionate enthusiasts from the Art Deco and Modernist Society of WA in a guided walk, in one of two walks being held as part of the Society’s programme of activities for autumn 2025.
These walks are part of the Australian Heritage Festival and is supported by the Heritage Council, community grants program.

Art Deco Discovery Walk – Mt Lawley
Date/Time: Saturday 10 May & Sunday 11 May, 2pm-3:30pm
Suitability: All ages
Cost: Free – bookings required
Join members of the Art Deco and Modernist Society explore the rich history of Mt Lawley and one of the most important Art Deco Heritage Precincts in Western Australia. Choose one of two walks being held as part of the Society Programme of activities for autumn 2025.
These walks are part of the Australian Heritage Festival and is supported by the Heritage Council, community grants program.

Art Deco Discovery Walk – Beverley
Date/Time: Sunday 18 May, all day – meet at 9am
Suitability: All ages
Cost: General – $95
Society or National Trust member $75, Concession $75 (inc Lunch at the Beverley Hotel) – bookings required
Join members of the Art Deco and Modernist Society and explore the rich history of Beverley one of the most important regional Art Deco Heritage Precincts in Western Australia.
These walks are part of the Australian Heritage Festival and is supported by the Heritage Council, community grants program.

The Art Deco and Modernist Society of Western Australia is an incorporated association and registered charity. The Society is a membership-based organisation managed by an elected management committee, with support from several working groups—all made up of dedicated and passionate volunteers.